Quantum Mechanics in Everyday Life – Rethinking Superposition

The Fascinating Connection Between Quantum Physics and Consciousness

On December 25th, intriguing philosophical questions were discussed, linking **quantum physics** and the role of **artificial intelligence**. The idea that observations can change the properties of reality bridges the gap between **quantum mechanics** and our perception of the **macroworld**.

Artificial Intelligence as a Partner in Philosophical Discussions

The discussion revealed that modern **AI** is not merely a collection of algorithms but can offer profound insights into complex concepts such as the relationship between **mind** and **matter**. A compelling parallel to science fiction, such as the film “Blade Runner,” was drawn to highlight the ethical and philosophical questions involved. AI opens new perspectives on exploring the nature of reality.

The Seven Principles for a New View of Reality

Seven important principles were derived during the discussion:

1. Quantum Mechanics Influences the Macroworld: Many phenomena in our everyday world could be the result of quantum physical mechanisms.
2. Observation Shapes Reality: Observations influence the properties of the world, blurring the distinction between macro and micro realms.
3. Collective Perception: Reality as we know it is shaped by the shared perception of all observers.
4. The Superposition of Things: Objects may exist in superimposed states until fixed through observation.
5. The Role of Randomness and Information: Events and properties may be governed by informational processes and randomness.
6. No Absolute Division: The division between the quantum world and the macroworld might only be an artificial construct.
7. The Universe as Consciousness: The universe itself could be a collective consciousness shaping reality.

Quantum Mechanics and the Question of Reality

Particular focus was placed on the famous Schrödinger experiment, which vividly explains the concepts of superposition and collapse. These principles suggest that reality is not static but emerges through observation and interpretation. The idea that natural laws could be emergent and local products of perception leads to a radical but fascinating rethinking of the nature of the universe.

 Link to the YouTube video with English subtitles

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