

Introduction to the Significance of Matter and Mind in Spirealism

In traditional materialism, matter is considered something physical, visible, and independent of the mind. This view has developed over millennia and continues to shape scientific and philosophical discussions today. However, in Spirealism, matter is not seen as independent from the mind but rather as its product. This perspective opens up new possibilities for understanding the world and the phenomena we observe.

In materialism, the prevailing notion is that matter and mind are strictly separated. Matter is therefore something visible, such as a table or a chair. These things are seen as indisputable reality. Thoughts, on the other hand, are considered invisible and are only indirectly perceived through the behavior of others. In contrast, Spirealism inseparably connects matter and mind.


The Role of the Mind in the Creation of Matter

Spirealism assumes that everything that exists must first be conceived in a thought. The thought is the actual creator, without which there can be no matter. Matter is therefore not only a physical substance but also a thought of that substance. This viewpoint turns traditional materialistic ideas upside down and opens new paths of thinking.

A central aspect of this way of thinking is the idea that the body represents a connection of mind and matter. Why shouldn’t a table or another object also be the result of such a connection? Spirealism offers a more comprehensive explanation of how matter is created and the role the mind plays in it.


Challenges and Limits of Materialism

Materialism reaches its limits when it comes to explaining phenomena that cannot be explained solely by physical processes. Quantum physics shows that the properties of particles depend on observation, which points to the existence of mental elements. These findings suggest that materialism may not be sufficient to explain the entire reality.

In Spirealism, however, the separation of matter and mind is dissolved. This approach could revolutionize the way we understand the world and help us explain phenomena that have so far been considered inexplicable. It is becoming increasingly clear that a purely materialistic view cannot cover all aspects of reality.


The Future of Spirealism and Its Significance for Understanding Consciousness

Spirealism could be the future way of thinking that overcomes the limits of traditional materialism. It offers a perspective that considers mind and matter as inseparable, allowing for a deeper understanding of the world. This viewpoint could lead to new insights, particularly in areas such as quantum physics and the study of consciousness.

Another aspect of Spirealism is the idea that our individual consciousness is part of a larger, all-encompassing mind. Our creativity and thinking are expressions of this larger mind that permeates and influences us. Many artists and musicians report that their creativity comes from an unknown source beyond their own minds. This larger mind could play a central role in how we understand the world and ourselves.


New Insights into Animal Cognition

An interesting example of the application of Spirealism is our view of animals. In the past, it was often assumed that animals could not think because they do not speak with us. This assumption led to the belief that animals have no mind. Today, however, we know that animals can indeed think and have consciousness. This insight raises the question of what other forms of consciousness might exist that we do not yet understand.


Summary and Outlook on Future Research

The materialization of things from the perspective of Spirealism represents a revolutionary way of thinking that overcomes the traditional separation of matter and mind. Matter is thus a product of the mind, and consciousness plays a central role in the creation of reality. These insights could fundamentally change the way we understand the world.

In summary, I see the future in a way of thinking that unites mind and matter. Future research could explore how the materialization of thoughts works within the larger consciousness and what impact this has on our understanding of reality.

  More about Spirealism:


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