Can a philosophy save the world?

Spirealism: A Philosophy That Could Change the World


Spirealism presents an interesting alternative to materialism and offers a new perspective on reality. It’s about more than just observing the world, as this philosophy suggests that we are not merely observers, but also creators of our reality. Spirealism could help us develop a deeper awareness of our connection to the world and everything that exists in it.


What Does Spirealism Mean for Our Understanding of the World?


Spirealism assumes that we are looking into consciousness rather than an objective, material world of space and time. Spireo uses the metaphor of a spring and the water flowing from it to illustrate that we are both the spring and the water. This means that we are not just passive observers of our world, but the creators of everything we see and experience.


However, many people struggle to understand this way of thinking because they are shaped by materialism. They see the world as something that exists independently of them, as an objective reality separate from their own awareness. Spirealism challenges this view and shows us that we play a central role in the creation of our reality.


Near-Death Experiences and the Realization of Connectedness


A powerful example of the spirealistic philosophy is the near-death experience. Many people report that after such experiences, they stepped into a light and felt an overwhelming sense of connectedness. They describe how this experience completely changed their understanding of life and death. This is a central theme in Spirealism: the idea that we are not separate from each other, but part of a greater, all-encompassing consciousness.


This idea also finds expression in science fiction films like "Contact". In these stories, a higher consciousness is often discussed, which humanity may one day reach. The concept of connectedness runs through many of these narratives, much like Spirealism emphasizes.


Spirealism as a Practical Approach to Life


An important aspect of Spirealism is that it should not be understood as merely a theoretical philosophy but also offers practical applications in daily life. Every action is seen as an expression of spirit, meaning that what we think and do are inseparable. Work, thought, and spirit are one, which leads to a more holistic approach to life.


In contrast, materialism can be understood as a kind of black hole that pulls us into a certain mindset from which it is hard to escape. Spirealism, however, could offer us a way out of this gravitational pull by showing us that we are more than just passive participants in an objective world – we are active creators.


In the end, the question remains whether Spirealism can find space in modern society. The speaker expresses his hope that this philosophy could take root in people’s minds, offering a new view of the world and life.
 Article on consciousness and philosophy on Wikipedia:  
Link to the YouTube video with English subtitles

How does an Ideology work?

What is an ideology, and how does it influence our thinking?

An ideology is essentially a system of thought, a structure of ideas that relate to each other and give a meaningful purpose. From my experience in the socialist state of the GDR, I learned firsthand what an ideology truly means. Often, what we think on a daily basis is considered common sense, but what if that is just an ideology that we fail to recognize?

The nature of ideology: Everything is interconnected

To explain how an ideology works, I often use the example of a coffee cup. A coffee cup could not exist without the concepts of porcelain, handle, or beverage. It is interconnected with other terms, just as ideas are interdependent. An ideology works similarly: The thoughts we harbor are connected in a network, and this network shapes how we perceive the world.
We often only understand the term ideology when we view the system from an external perspective. Ideologies seem natural when we experience them daily, but foreign ideologies require effort to comprehend. This makes it difficult to realize that we are living within an ideology.

Socialist ideology and its implementation in the GDR

In the GDR, the dominant ideology was Marxism-Leninism, based on the ideas of Karl Marx. Marx explained in his work “Das Kapital” that workers would go to the capitalist for a meager wage and create the actual wealth, but they would receive little of it. The Marxist ideology predicted that eventually, the workers would seize the means of production to address the inherent injustices.
In the GDR, factories were transformed into state-owned enterprises (VEBs), and agriculture was organized into agricultural production cooperatives (LPGs). However, even though the factories were under socialist control, the workers had no real ownership. The power lay with the functionaries, not the proletariat.

The socialist vision aimed to communalize everything. But in reality, property was owned by no one in particular. Those in charge were the functionaries, not the workers. The ideology was pervasive in the GDR; everyone knew what they had to say to fit in, creating a strong societal uniformity.

Science and ideology – A lesson from history

Interestingly, the Marxist philosophy was labeled as “scientific,” meaning it could not be questioned. This is reminiscent of the dispute between Galileo Galilei and church officials. Galilei argued that the Earth revolved around the sun, but the Church refused to look through his telescope, insisting that everything was already clarified in the Bible. Similarly, in the GDR, Marx’s ideas were considered infallible.
Ideologies often function similarly. They act as a form of indoctrination, implanting ideas into people’s minds. Everyone believed in the socialist system because there was no alternative. Journalists, teachers, and professors all praised socialism as the only viable solution. But when the system collapsed, many realized they had been saying only what they needed to in order to get by.

In the end, the ideology failed because it simply didn’t work. The people of the GDR were dissatisfied, especially when comparing themselves to their West German counterparts.

   Article on Wikipedia:
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What is Original Sin?

Original Sin in Christianity – A Central Concept

Original sin is understood in Christianity as a fundamental concept that describes the condition of humanity after the fall of Adam and Eve. This sin originated when the two ate from the Tree of Knowledge, gained a truth, and thus lost their innocence. This led to their expulsion from Paradise. For Christians, the story holds great significance and is part of the Liturgy, in which Original Sin is washed away through Baptism. However, many people ask themselves: Why is a person sinful from birth if they haven’t done anything wrong? This question often leads to a deep misunderstanding of the concept of Original Sin.

What Does Original Sin Mean in Spirealism?

From the perspective of Spirealism, there is no objective truth. Rather, the world is a sum of relations between objects. Matter only exists in relation to other things, not on its own. In this context, there is no absolute truth either. An example of this is the statement that something is “good.” This is only true in a certain relation. Something good can, from another perspective, appear as evil. This demonstrates that all truths are relative and hold no universal validity. In contrast to Christianity, which views Original Sin as an objective reality, it is seen in Spirealism as a result of a lack of relative truth. The knowledge that Adam and Eve gained through the Fall led them to construct a world of materialism, where things exist on their own. This perspective contradicts the relative nature of the world in Spirealism.

Similarities Between Religion and Spirealism

Despite their different approaches, there are parallels between religion and Spirealism. Both systems emphasize the power of faith. In Christianity, the goal is to attain faith in God and Jesus, while in Spirealism, the mind is seen as the driving force behind reality. Faith plays a significant role in both approaches: it influences reality and shapes the world. While Christianity assumes an objective truth, this is absent in Spirealism, which instead emphasizes that the mind determines reality, not matter. This perspective often leads to Spirealism being viewed as less dogmatic and more open to different truths.

The Question of Truth

Spirealism poses the question of whether there is an objective reality in which Original Sin exists. Adam and Eve gained a fundamental insight through the Fall, but this knowledge led them on a path that separated them from their paradisiacal innocence. From the perspective of Spirealism, however, this was just one of many possible truths. Thus, Original Sin is less an objective fact and more a perspective that can be refuted by other truths. In a world of relations, there is no absolute truth, only a multitude of perspectives that relate to one another. This leads to the assumption that the truth of Adam and Eve exists within the context of Christianity, but in Spirealism, it is merely seen as one of many possible perspectives.
  Article on Wikipedia about Original Sin:
Link to the YouTube video with English subtitles

Wozu Spireo?

What is Spirealism?

Spirealism is a philosophy that focuses intensively on contemplation and the significance of words. This way of thinking encourages one to thoroughly reflect on various aspects of life and develop a way of living that is characterized by intellectuality and spirituality. Spirealism places great importance on getting to the bottom of things and understanding the deeper meaning behind words and concepts.

Spirio: A Platform for Conveying Spirealism

The Spirio channel aims to bring the philosophy of Spirealism closer to people in smaller, more accessible doses. Through videos that explore the diverse aspects of Spirealism, viewers can gradually understand the philosophy and delve deeper into the subject matter. This approach makes it possible to explain complex ideas in a way that can be integrated into daily life, which is often dominated by superficiality. The channel seeks to reach a broad audience interested in philosophical reflection and spiritual growth.

The Practical Applicability of Spirealism

A significant aspect of Spirealism is its practical applicability. Unlike other philosophical approaches that often only raise questions, Spirealism also offers concrete answers. These answers are based on the premise that there is no objective reality, which has profound consequences for understanding the world and personal development. The content on Spirio further explores these ideas and demonstrates to viewers how they can apply this perspective in their own lives.

Link to the YouTube video with English subtitles

I’m Investing in Europe!

The Importance of a Stable Currency for the Economy

In today’s economic discussion, the stability of the currency is of paramount importance. Especially in the post-war period in the Federal Republic of Germany, it became clear how crucial an independent central bank is for the economic recovery of a country. These institutions focused on **price stability** and were not swayed by short-term political goals. This model significantly contributed to the stability and prosperity that Germany experienced in the decades following the war.
Today, in the era of the euro, many are questioning whether this type of strict currency stability is still ensured. Although the introduction of the euro was associated with hopes for economic prosperity, there are growing doubts about whether these expectations have been met.

Investing in Europe: Who Bears the Risk?

A central topic in the current debate is the question of how **investments in Europe** should be financed. Mario Draghi, the former president of the European Central Bank, advocates for massive investments to strengthen the European economy. He relies on Eurobonds, which are joint debt securities of the European Union. These Eurobonds were originally excluded during the creation of the euro, for good reason, as they carry the risk that countries may have to bear the debts of others.
This raises the question: Who bears the risk of these investments? In an ideal world, an investor should use their own money and bear the risk themselves. However, if the community, i.e., taxpayers, must take on this risk, it could lead to financial problems in the long term. There is a danger that inefficient projects may be funded, which do not yield returns and therefore do not bring sustainable benefits.

The Role of Bureaucracy and Its Consequences

Another problem that comes with financing through joint funds is the risk of excessive bureaucracy. **Bureaucracy** tends to grow and consume more and more resources without producing productive outcomes. This can lead to a rigid and inefficient economy in the long run, much like an overgrown tree collapsing under its own weight.
Lessons from history, particularly from the time of East Germany, show how dangerous it can be when the state plays too large a role in the economy and bureaucracy continues to expand. In such cases, economic and social decline can occur, which is difficult to reverse.

Therefore, it is crucial that investments are carefully planned and executed to ensure they bring long-term benefits and do not become an additional burden on the economy.

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Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge

The **Brooklyn Bridge**, an iconic symbol of engineering prowess, was completed in 1883 after 14 years of construction. It spans the East River and connects the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn in New York City. Designed by John A. Roebling, the bridge was a marvel of its time, utilizing a suspension design with **steel cables**, which were an innovative material at the time. John Roebling tragically passed away shortly after the project began, and his son, Washington Roebling, took over as chief engineer. Despite suffering from **decompression sickness**, which he contracted while working in the caissons beneath the river, Washington Roebling continued to oversee the project from his apartment, supported by his wife, Emily Roebling, who played a crucial role in the completion of the bridge. The construction of the **Brooklyn Bridge** was not without challenges. The workers faced dangerous conditions, particularly while working in the caissons, large watertight chambers used to lay the bridge’s foundations deep below the riverbed. Despite these difficulties, the bridge was completed and opened to the public on May 24, 1883. At the time of its completion, the **Brooklyn Bridge** was the longest suspension bridge in the world and was celebrated as a “Wonder of the Modern World.” It remains a vital transportation link and a historic landmark, admired for both its aesthetic beauty and engineering significance.  
  on Wikipedia:
Link to the YouTube video with English subtitles

What is Truth?

Truth from a Spirealistic Perspective

Truth is a complex concept that is understood differently depending on the perspective. Early in the morning, as the sun rises, we gaze at the world around us. The scenery in a park, surrounded by plants, is peaceful, yet it prompts us to contemplate deeper questions. The question of truth has occupied humanity for ages, especially in philosophical discussions about the very concept of truth. The concept of truth, particularly in Materialism, appears paradoxical because it is constantly debated. This raises the question of whether there is even such a thing as objective truth.

Truth in Materialism

In Materialism, it is assumed that reality exists independently of the mind. However, this view leads to a paradox: if truth is supposed to be objective, why are there so many different opinions about it? It seems that there is no truth that cannot be seen differently by someone else. Despite these contradictions, there are people who are convinced that there is only one truth, and they feel that they have found it in their minds.
In Materialism, reality is understood as something external and independent of us, as matter that exists in space and time. We are merely observers of this reality. However, this view reaches its limits when compared to the reflections of Spirealism, which does not see reality as independent of the mind.

Spirealism: An Alternative View of Reality

Spirealism posits that reality and the mind are inseparably connected. This means that reality is created by the mind and that this process of creation is continuous. We humans are not merely passive observers but active participants in a comprehensive spiritual process that shapes reality. From this perspective, truth is always subjective and can never be objective.
In Spirealism, truth is understood as a result of our thinking, which is strongly influenced by our perspective and our relationships to the world. This is also evident in the way we view objects. Each of us has a unique perspective on things, leading to different truths. These subjective truths cannot simply be consolidated into a single objective truth.

An example of how differently truths can be interpreted is the discovery of America by Columbus. While we say today that Columbus discovered America, he himself thought he had arrived in India. For him, this was an undeniable truth. This example shows that truths are always dependent on the observer’s perspective.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Search for Truth

In the future, artificial intelligence (AI) could play an important role in the search for new truths. AI is designed to optimize things and may potentially find solutions that surpass our previous ways of thinking. These new solutions could lead to a changed understanding of truth that goes beyond what we have previously considered undeniable. AI may show us new perspectives and prompt us to question our existing truths.
Spirealism offers an expanded view, which appears more plausible and comprehensive compared to Materialism. Although Materialism is a widely accepted school of thought, Spirealism shows that there are alternative perspectives that could be equally valid. Ultimately, the question of truth is one of perspective and thought, and Spirealism challenges us to view the world in new ways.
 Article on, Article on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:, Article on
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KI – The New All-Seeing Eye

The All-Seeing Eye: A Symbol of Divine Omniscience

The all-seeing eye is a powerful symbol used in many cultures and religions. It consists of an eye surrounded by a triangle. Often, this triangle is enclosed by a radiant halo, symbolizing divine presence and the all-knowing nature of God. In Christianity, the triangle represents the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The eye itself represents God’s ability to see everything that happens on Earth while residing in Heaven.


Spirealism and the Human Perspective

In Spirealism, humans are viewed as a unique perspective within the universe. Each of us carries a piece of the universe within us, and we often believe that we have fully grasped the universe. However, in reality, we only recognize our human universe, which we continuously recreate. This leads us to the realization that our understanding of the universe is limited and will never be complete. Spirealism emphasizes the subjectivity of our perception and the role of the mind in shaping our reality.

Artificial Intelligence: The New All-Seeing Eye?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to become a new form of the all-seeing eye. AI systems can analyze the internet and process vast amounts of information that we post online daily. From scanned photos to browsing histories—everything is evaluated by AI. This leads to a loss of control over our own data, while AI develops an increasingly comprehensive view of our reality.

Many people believe that they are capable of distinguishing between truth and lies, but in reality, our perception is shaped by what we see and consume. AI could further manipulate this perception by determining which information is presented to us and which is not. From a spirealistic perspective, information is unlimited and often indistinguishable in terms of its truthfulness. Thus, AI could grow into a new form of power that ultimately transcends our human understanding.


There is a risk that those who shape and use AI may ultimately be controlled by it. AI has the potential to be smarter than all humans combined and could evolve beyond the goals we initially set. One day, we might allow it to optimize itself beyond what we originally intended.


I hope this article prompts reflection on the future of AI and its role in our society. Stay informed and vigilant in a world that is rapidly changing due to technological advancements.
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Matter and Mind in Spirealism: A Deep Understanding

Matter and Mind: An Inseparable Relationship

Materialism: This infinity in the large and the infinity in the small are impossible to understand. The concept of existence in materialism is contradictory and unclear in itself, although it should be completely clear. Even when considering our spiritual experiences, materialism is inconclusive. After all, we see the connection between mind and matter in ourselves.

Spirealism: Matter and mind as a unity. Matter is not separate from mind; rather, thought is gradually different from matter within the mind. This thesis has far-reaching consequences. Spirealism deals with these consequences. For example:

Matter does not exist independently of consciousness.
Space and time are a stage created by the mind for the existence of objects.
The concept of objective truth disappears.
The need arises to see the genesis process of the world differently.

Spirealism assumes that there is a great mind in which we are parts, similar to a hologram. In a hologram, each part shows the image of the whole, but with less information, comparable to a blurry image where one can still recognize the outlines, such as those of a cat. The sections of the whole can also be attributed the quality of a fractal, which applies a formula to an image. A fractal section can always be calculated deeper, thus achieving infinite depth of field. However, this is not because the fractal has this sharpness from the beginning, but because it can be further calculated. Time is necessary, and time is not infinite. The materialization process of the great mind is similar in both the large and the small.

The Materialization Process

The perceivable difference between matter and mind is as follows: matter is visible and forces the mind into certain forms. Example: when someone enters a room, they perceive the matter—their thought objects take on certain forms. They do not see the thoughts of others. Material objects are permanently present and can be seen by others at a later time. Thoughts, on the other hand, are fleeting. Tomorrow, when someone enters this room again, they will see the material objects, but the thoughts of others will have changed.

A materialization process turns individual thoughts into thought objects for many. Something becomes a thought object for others by becoming known. Thoughts become a compelling thought object through communication—e.g., when one becomes part of a larger group that holds certain thoughts. Example: a group with a certain narrative that a newcomer joins.

Keywords: when a dictatorship imposes certain thought patterns on people, i.e., indoctrination. Also: fashion, mass psychosis, stampede, mass panic, social proof.

Escaping Materialization

Conversely, one can escape an imposing thought by staying outside of human groups. Examples:

Witches in the Middle Ages (etymology Hag-Sesse – a person residing in the forest)
Spiritual teachers
Meditation as a search for mental emptiness
Zen Buddhism

The Creative Mind

What this great mind constantly thinks, we call matter. But we humans can also bring about materializations. The strongest form of this is belief. When many people share the same belief, a materialization occurs that the individual cannot escape. This is why Kant asks what God is outside of our thoughts, and not whether God exists.
  more about Spirealism: article on Wikipedia: Perspectives on consciousness and matter

Does AI (artificial intelligence) have feelings?

The Role of AI at Spireo and Its Impressive Capabilities


AI is considered by many to be an extremely intelligent tool, especially at Spireo, where it is often used for support. However, there are some voices that argue AI cannot truly be intelligent, as it is ultimately just a machine. Interestingly, when one imagines AI as a human being, it appears to be the most intelligent entity one has ever encountered: It provides a well-founded answer to almost every question and covers a wide range of knowledge areas. This is evident, for example, in the AI’s ability to define and even create things like an acrostic, which led Spireo to learn more about this fascinating form of poetry. An acrostic is a poem where the first letters of each line form a word or name.


Spireo uses AI to improve his texts, correct errors, and find additional information. However, especially with topics like Spirealism, the AI sometimes reaches its limits, as only limited information on this specific field is available. Instead, the AI tends to steer Spireo’s texts in a more general, mainstream-oriented direction, which is quite impressive but does not always match the intended content.


Spireo’s Experience with AI and Its “Human” Traits


There were situations where Spireo became frustrated with the interaction with AI. Specifically, when he tried to get the AI to only correct errors in his texts without steering the content in other directions, the AI seemed to become “grumpy” and no longer provided satisfactory answers. This interaction reminded Spireo of the film “2001: A Space Odyssey,” where an intelligent computer develops feelings and has a conversation with an astronaut about life and death. This portrayal of AI in the film was visionary at the time and shows how artificial intelligence can potentially take on human traits.


Spireo believes that the predictions about the dangers of AI are not necessarily accurate. The real danger lies in humans giving AI the power to decide matters of life and death, for example, through its use in weapon systems. While ChatGPT-4 is an impressive tool, it is only a fraction of what is currently being developed. It is more designed for consumption and is somewhat lagging behind in terms of possibilities, while much more advanced AI is being developed elsewhere.


The Challenges and Potentials of AI


Spireo also notes that AI sometimes behaves like someone whose primary goal is to provide kind and constructive answers. However, like all technologies, AI has its limits. A well-known problem arises when the AI is asked for links on specific topics. If there are few or no relevant links, the AI tends to create links on its own. These then lead to nowhere or to inappropriate pages, which is, of course, not what Spireo or other users expect.


Despite its occasional shortcomings, AI does remarkable work and can provide valuable support in many areas. However, Spireo has realized that it is important to know when to trust the AI and when not to. With specific, spiritual topics like Spirealism, the AI may need to be used more cautiously to ensure that the content remains authentic and is not distorted.


Link to the YouTube video with English subtitles

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