What is Truth?

Truth from a Spirealistic Perspective

Truth is a complex concept that is understood differently depending on the perspective. Early in the morning, as the sun rises, we gaze at the world around us. The scenery in a park, surrounded by plants, is peaceful, yet it prompts us to contemplate deeper questions. The question of truth has occupied humanity for ages, especially in philosophical discussions about the very concept of truth. The concept of truth, particularly in Materialism, appears paradoxical because it is constantly debated. This raises the question of whether there is even such a thing as objective truth.

Truth in Materialism

In Materialism, it is assumed that reality exists independently of the mind. However, this view leads to a paradox: if truth is supposed to be objective, why are there so many different opinions about it? It seems that there is no truth that cannot be seen differently by someone else. Despite these contradictions, there are people who are convinced that there is only one truth, and they feel that they have found it in their minds.
In Materialism, reality is understood as something external and independent of us, as matter that exists in space and time. We are merely observers of this reality. However, this view reaches its limits when compared to the reflections of Spirealism, which does not see reality as independent of the mind.

Spirealism: An Alternative View of Reality

Spirealism posits that reality and the mind are inseparably connected. This means that reality is created by the mind and that this process of creation is continuous. We humans are not merely passive observers but active participants in a comprehensive spiritual process that shapes reality. From this perspective, truth is always subjective and can never be objective.
In Spirealism, truth is understood as a result of our thinking, which is strongly influenced by our perspective and our relationships to the world. This is also evident in the way we view objects. Each of us has a unique perspective on things, leading to different truths. These subjective truths cannot simply be consolidated into a single objective truth.

An example of how differently truths can be interpreted is the discovery of America by Columbus. While we say today that Columbus discovered America, he himself thought he had arrived in India. For him, this was an undeniable truth. This example shows that truths are always dependent on the observer’s perspective.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Search for Truth

In the future, artificial intelligence (AI) could play an important role in the search for new truths. AI is designed to optimize things and may potentially find solutions that surpass our previous ways of thinking. These new solutions could lead to a changed understanding of truth that goes beyond what we have previously considered undeniable. AI may show us new perspectives and prompt us to question our existing truths.
Spirealism offers an expanded view, which appears more plausible and comprehensive compared to Materialism. Although Materialism is a widely accepted school of thought, Spirealism shows that there are alternative perspectives that could be equally valid. Ultimately, the question of truth is one of perspective and thought, and Spirealism challenges us to view the world in new ways.
 Article on Philosophie.ch: https://www.philosophie.ch/denken/was-ist-wahrheit, Article on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/truth/, Article on Spektrum.de: https://www.spektrum.de/lexikon/philosophie/wahrheit/3010
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